Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the back lakes (gene & oso)

there is no meaning these

we pretend there is in our music & culture & society-
butt we have no culture.
what we have is not a society.

we are all big overgrown infants--
the rest of us- the disaffected-we are children--not babies butt lost children wandering, starving, killing, fucking, lying, stealing & all the while hiding from ourselves cuz our hearts are broken-
we fight to have our lives mean anything butt mostly end up casualties to our environments.
we can only hold out for so long until the lying, the stealing, the fighting & fucking darkens our minds to life's possibilities cuz our lives don't have potential.
our possible achievements become monuments of violence & apathy.

fuck you for thinking i am invisible

i run this delicious fantasy thru my mind butt in the end the rich & powerful still oppress

we havent changed their minds & we are lost to our violent fantasies

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